Maybe it shouldnt if you were dealing with machinery made of steel but we are dealing with humans with hearts who are coming out of a bad storm (religiously speaking)
Have you heard the saying
At the end of the day people won't remember what you said or did,they will remember how you made them feel.
Let me just go ahead and address the elephant in the room....the A word (atheism) or would it be the T word (theism)?
I say that because this seems to be where we all feel the most angst,
If the theists are to be reached it is NOT going to be by the methods some here use.
So if the goal of a poster (theist or atheist) is to try to reach people then they may want to consider that.
If that is not their goal - then the methods speak to it being something else entirely that is at work.
Well I can't disagree; this is a very good point. People will remember how they are made to feel first. This is why I try to stay as respectful as I can (though I have my moments).
This is very difficult though, because the majority (absolutely not all, but the majority) of theists are made to feel that they are being attacked rather easily. Usually, this feeling arises the moment cognitive dissonance takes place. Because of this what you suggest, and I wish was always possible, of avoiding making them feel attacked is sort of impossible. I'd argue it's absolutely impossible in this sort of setting, devoid of all body language and tone of voice.
Take for example my dad. During one of our many discussions he positioned that people of the world who aren't Jehovah's witnesses actually age faster. In support of this he stated all the people he went to high school with are his age (mid forties) but look like they are 60 or older. My response was a perfectly rational question, "do you feel it rational and logical to compare the few people from your highschool to the 8 billion others on earth?" There was silence for a few seconds and I could literally see the dissonance happen. The response I got was to be insulted and told I was being a know it all and much more. Clearly he felt attacked, but would you say he had merit to feel that way?
this is the problem. Theists react to reasonable investigation of their faith as though it some how makes them victims of some attack. It does not.